Mark 9:14

Mark 9:14
Life stops for nobody. The scribes were giving Jesus’ other disciples quite a rough day. To look on the bright side of things, at least describes did know the Scripture better than most. However, this made them quite a bit more argumentative than most. They had to find for themselves some good reason to deny Christ, to reject him, to be able to say that he was not what he claimed to be.

Heavenly Father may we never try to find a way to avoid your truth. Thank you for the wonderful truth you make available to us. It is so amazing that we can look in your Word and see principles that we can use in our daily lives. Father, we will never be able to understand just how wonderful your truth is this side of glory. As we learn from your Word, make us sweeter, more spiritual, and more of a blessing. Thank you for your glorious wisdom! You are the God of all, reigning forever! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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