Mark 9:15

Mark 9:15
Everyone was happy to see Christ. His disciples were relieved, knowing that he could solve their dilemma. The multitude always delighted to see Christ. The scribes wanted the opportunity to question him as well. So, everyone wanted him, but for various reasons.
So often we want the attention of the Lord, but for all of the wrong reasons. We forget to come to him for the things he wants us to bring to him. Instead we come with petty disputes, crazy problems, and frustrating situations. Yes, the Lord does want us to bring these things to him. But, we also come with our preconceptions as to how we want him to respond.

Heavenly Father, may we focus on you, rather than our issues. Though we should bring our problems to you, they often seem bigger to us than you. We have our eyes on the situation, rather than the Lord of All. May we always keep our gaze upon you and bring you our lives for your guidance and control, not just so that you can make things easier for us. We will seek to always remember that you are not a cosmic genie lamp, You are the All-Powerful Lord of the Universe! We must give you the glory and honor! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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