Mark 9:17

Mark 9:17
This crowd may have been there for various reasons. But at this point everyone began to focus on the situation between the scribes and the disciples. The man, one of the multitude, had brought his son to be helped.
It is important to understand the complexity of this case. If we did not have the account of both Mark and Matthew we would not have the whole picture. So, as we look at this, we will draw upon Matthew 17 as well.
In this verse the man says his son has a dumb spirit. In Matthew we see that he says the boy is a lunatic and needs to be cured. So which is it?
Well, how would the man know the demon was dumb? Indeed, how would he know it was a demon at all if it never spoke? So, what we find in this verse is actually the result of some discussion of the matter by Christ. The man wanted people to simply think his son was sick, like an epileptic or something. But, he knew all along that their was more to it than that. Mark shares with us that information.

Heavenly Father, we do often want to pretend that we don’t have problems. We want to look so good before others. But, we must be honest, because you always know the truth. You cannot be fooled. Thank you for forgiving us for our pride through Christ. You are worthy of the glory, not us. We will praise you for your great glory! You are wonderful beyond our ability to know. Thank you for sharing yourself with us! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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