Mark 9:22

Mark 9:22
We hear the violence connected with illness when the man was talking to the disciples now explained as the actions of the demonic spirit. It does not seem likely that the demonic influence would have actually killed the boy, though the powers of darkness have a tendency to be destructive even to their own detriment. This demon had a comfortable place so to speak, and would not want to leave. The devil and his minions rule by fear and suffering, thus the demon cast the boy into the flames and the floods.
Jesus, of course, knew the motives of all there present, including the demon itself. And he was already aware of this history. Anyone familiar with the actions of the devil could have guessed that much themselves. Indeed, it is in keeping with the actions of the dark world to hurt the victims in such a way that it becomes more difficult for them to cry out for help. And, you will find many a sin tied to the destruction of the mind and the body.

Heavenly Father, thank you for freeing us from the kingdom of darkness! Thank you for giving us the victory in Jesus Christ! We are so glad to be more than conquerors in the Lord Jesus. We can know that we have victory in him. No matter what may come our way in this life, Father we know that you will care for us. Even when we go through difficult valleys, we know you will never leave us nor forsake us. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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