Mark 9:29

Mark 9:29
And what exactly does that mean? Well, in Matthew we get a bit more. Jesus tells them there that the first cause of their failure was their own faithlessness. Then, as here, we see the part about prayer and fasting.
The fact is that we tend to jump to conclusions. For example, we may have a disease, and we pray and ask God to remove it from us. But, if he doesn’t remove it right away, we assume he just isn’t going to. However, he may still be going to remove the problem, only a bit later.
The disciples assumed that if they couldn’t cast the demon out immediately, they wouldn’t be able to do it at all. Well, they in their own power could do nothing. It had to be the Lord doing it in any case. Prayer and fasting is what Christians use to move God to do something. It shows our devotion to him.
This demon had inhabited this boy since a young age, and his father was less than confident that Jesus could help. This kind of situation would only be alleviated by a group of Christians fasting and praying over the problem. And, as a result, the body of Christ may do anything Christ may do.

Heavenly Father, help us to understand that our faith is not to be based upon our limited understanding, but your limitless ability. Even when we see no way, you already have the way cleared. The path is open before us, we must walk it in your will. Thank you for your deliverance! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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