Mark 9:30

Mark 9:30
Jesus wanted some private time with his disciples. He wanted to prepare them for what was about to take place. Galilee was his home base, not just the place where he did much of his ministering.
Why would Jesus spend so much time preparing his followers for his death if he knew they wouldn’t understand anyway? Well, there are several answers to this. Jesus always works to prepare us, if we are listening. It is consistent with his character, not our choices. And, Jesus knows that we actually understand things pretty well most of the time. We just don’t accept what we understand, and so we rely on other sources for the answers. Also, Jesus is a person just like us, and he wanted to share what was on his mind.

Heavenly Father, thank you for telling us so much, regardless of our choices. It is a glory to you that you have made the truth available to us. But, it is also a glory that some truth is held back and reserved for those who will accept the truth they already understand. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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