Mark 9:43

Mark 9:43
Once again we find ourselves looking at some of Christ’s intense teaching. Why did Jesus use such extreme examples? What is he trying to teach his disciples here? He had been talking about this man that the disciples saw doing miracles in Christ name. But at this point he’s turned his attention to a related subject. He’s teaching them about those who might cause offence. And, at this juncture, he is addressing personal issues that might cause offence.
But what does this offense mean? What is offence? This verse reveals the answer. Offense is anything that might cause a person to miss the eternal blessing of life in glory. In other words, offense is that which prevents us from truly being children of God. It is any false teaching, any personal issue, any sin, that keeps us from being saved.
Later on, when we read the writings of the disciples, we can see that they learned this lesson well. They constantly spoke to Christians with language that encouraged a check up on each person’s own soul. They did not try to cause doubt, but they did encourage one to make sure their faith was genuine. This is what Jesus is after in this verse. He is expressing how extremely important it is for people not to ‘miss the boat’ on salvation.

Heavenly Father, thank you so much for salvation. Thank you for making it available to us through your precious Son, the Lord Jesus. Help us to realize that your Word is here for our benefit. The reason for the teachings that we find there is us. Our welfare, what’s best for us, is what you have in mind all the time. You never want anything for us that will hurt us. Thank you for teaching us through your Word. Thank you for Christ! You are worthy of all the praise and all the glory! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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