Mark 9:46

Mark 9:46
Looking at the word ‘worm’ here we see that he is speaking of the deterioration of the body. Of course, normally this process would be finished after a time. However, he seems to indicate that in hell the punished will have physical bodies which will experience eternal degradation. Obviously, we do not completely understand what this entails. But, Jesus says it in such a way that the point must not be lost on us. Hell is a real, physical place, and the damned will be cast there physically.

Heavenly Father, your mercy is so wonderful! Though as imperfect beings we struggle to understand just how undeserving we are, we realize that life in Christ is infinitely more than what we deserve. Never could we have come from what we are in the flesh to what you have made us in Christ. The shed blood of your Son on Calvary changed us forever where we met him at the cross. I am so thankful for salvation in the Lord Jesus! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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