Mark 10:9

Mark 10:9
One of the biggest things that we fail to understand is that God has a right to his creation. He makes the rules, he calls the shots. The design for marraige is just as important to the makeup of the human race as are fingers, toes, eyeballs, etc. It is a part of what we are, not simply an institution of man.
To help in understanding this, remember the state of Adam and Eve at the beginning. They were totally nude! Now how could that work for society? What kind of world were they supposed to build from that? The answer is, a perfectly good one. Why? Because no one would have dreamed of getting out of God’s order. The rules were not barriers that they chafed under, but containers for the beautiful intentions of an infinitely wise Creator. And yet, we threw it all away for the only tree that God said we could not touch. Such is sin, deceiving the gullible!

Heavenly Father, when we think of what you had intended for us, and what you do give us now in marriage, we are so thankful! No matter what we think is right, you always know the best way. You alone have all the answers. You alone may design our life in a perfect way. You have the power to make us what we ought to be through Christ. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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