Mark 10:14

Mark 10:14
Now some might say that Jesus should not be one to get upset. I think however it’s really nice that when he gets very upset it is in connection with something like this. He was very displeased with the disciples decision to deny access to him. But, much more than that, the fact that they denied access on the basis of the age of those who were being brought to him, was a big deal. It is so appropriate to see that Jesus, who is God in the flesh, would not cotton to the idea of children being denied access to him. It just makes sense.
One of the most unique things about God is, as the scripture reveals, he is not a respecter of persons. This means that no one person has any more right to him than any other person. All of us are undeserving, all of us are unholy, all of us are not worthy. So, to deny access to him simply on the basis of age, that is so totally wrong! Sin keeps us from God. And adults are just as guilty as the children. So, age must not stand as an obstacle to access.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your magnanimous mercy! If you were not merciful and gracious, it wouldn’t matter what age we were, we could never hope to escape damnation. But, because of your wonderful grace, you sent your Son to make it possible for us, all of us, to be redeemed. You are worthy of all the praise! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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