Mark 10:15

Mark 10:15
Does Jesus then mean to say that only children may be saved? It sounds that way. But, remember, why was Jesus so upset about the children being denied access to him? Because the only thing keeping us from Jesus is sin, not age.
What Jesus is saying here is that people most come to him with the understanding that they are no better than any other. The unassuming, trusting faith of a child is what is needed. If one comes to Christ with some preconceived notion of his or her own value, nothing shall come of if. We must just come as total dependents, with nothing to show as our rights or grievances. Just as children are completely dependent upon the judgement of their parents, we are to be that dependent upon Christ.

Heavenly Father, what have I to offer you? And the answer is nothing. I came empty and you have filled me. I came as an outcast, and you made me a son. I came as one full of iniquity, and you have made me righteous. I came with no certainty, and you have given me wisdom. We cannot be anything without you, and with you we may be all that you would have us to be. And that is something quite wonderful. Thank you! You alone deserve the glory. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and I praise you, Amen.

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