Mark 10:20

Mark 10:20
This fellow was under the impression that he had kept the law. Now, we could be real hard on him here. But, given what he had likely been taught by the Jewish leaders, we can understand why he thought this possible. Indeed, in that society, this man’s prosperity alone would have been seen as a token of great righteousness.
Obviously, this fellow was looking at things subjectively. He had not broken any of these commands directly. So, he assumed, compared to others, that he was in pretty good shape. He was not claiming sinless perfection, but adherence to accepted standards.

Heavenly Father, thank you for helping us to understand our righteousness. Our tendency to justify ourselves can get us into so much confusion. But, your truth gives us an objective measure. That really grounds us. Thank you for always leading us to more truth! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I pray and praise you, Amen.

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