Mark 10:32

Mark 10:32
The disciples knew that Jesus was entering dangerous territory by going to Jerusalem again. They were afraid to follow him, wondering what might happen when they got there. Although this is a testament to their fear and apprehension, it does point out for us a very interesting thing. Jesus walked ahead of them on this occasion. So, how did it work out when they went to other places and the disciples were not so afraid?
On other occasions, its most likely that Jesus told them where they were going before hand. He probably did the same this time. But, on other occasions he would simply walk with who ever needed teaching at the time. The group, not being apprehensive, would walk along with their own pace, with some in the lead.
What a contrast this provides for us! On other occasions Jesus would be ministering to their needs. He would be teaching them, prodding them to move on in their understanding of the truth. But on this occasion, when he needed them the most, they were afraid to go with him. Is that not how we all are on occasion? We enjoy Jesus teaching, and we love to hear the truth, but when it’s time to follow him to the difficult places, we’re not sure we want to go.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your goodness to us! Thank you that you love us no matter where you lead us. We can trust you even when you’re going in a direction that we wouldn’t go. Thank you for coming along side of us teaching us the truth. You love us so much! Thank you for that love you give to us in Christ. Thank you for Jesus, and his patience with us. You have done so much, we will submit to you. We love You Father. In the name of Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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