Mark 10:33

Mark 10:33
The phrase Son of Man is still misunderstood. In fact, it has been the source of quite a bit of confusion down through the years. This was a fairly unique saying of the Lord Jesus. However, we do find it several places in the Old Testament. It is not possible at this time to go into a long explanation of all uses of the term Son of Man. But, it will suffice to point out that Jesus does not always use this term to refer to himself. He seems to use it when he is speaking of certain things that he will do.
Many have said that the term Son of man points out the humanity of Christ. I think that interpretation is on the right track, but there’s a lot more to it. We tend to think of ourselves as human in every sense of the word. However, that’s not quite right. We are not what we were originally intended to be. Death, suffering, sorrow, and many other things have become a part of who we are because of sin. The Son of Man title reminds us of the fact that we can only truly be what human beings were intended to be through the Lord Jesus Christ, who is himself a very special human being.
Jesus is one of a kind. He is completely God, and completely man. And, he uses this term Son of Man when he talks about the things that he’s going to do to change eternity, the great things, the amazing things. And so, this term highlights the fact that Jesus is not simply one of the myriad of lives in the history of the world, but that he is the one life that lasts forever. It is only through him that any of us may truly become purely human.

Heavenly Father, we realize that Jesus Christ is the Lord of all. The various titles that are used for him just help us to understand all that you have done in your just help us to understand all that you have done in your Son. It is by Christ, the Word, that you framed the worlds. It is by Christ, and his Spirit, that you gave us the prophecy in the Old Testament and the New. It is through Christ that you brought salvation to this sin-sick world. It is in Christ that we will live and reign for all of eternity. Is in Christ that we find perfect peace. Thank you for Jesus! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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