Mark 10:39

Mark 10:39
Now we could easily say that James and John had absolutely no idea what they were talking about. But, I would advise against that. These men definitely had an inkling of what this would mean given they had at this point spent some years following the Lord. They understood some of the sacrifice that this would entail.
However, I think it’s safe to say that they did not understand completely all that would be involved. This will always be the case, though. We will never know all of the details going into our future with Christ. Thus, we will have to, just as James and John, move forward by faith, and not by sight.

Heavenly Father, give us boldness. We need to rely on you. We must be willing to take risks, knowing that with you it’s not really a risk. We need to boldly follow where you lead. Thank you for challenging us to do more. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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