Mark 10:46

Mark 10:46
We don’t always get the names of those that Jesus heals. So, why do we get some of them? There are various reasons. For one thing, God used humans to write the Bible and allowed them to rely on their memory at times. The gospel writers would not have thought to record the name of someone until after the miracle. They may have forgotten it by then. Or, in some cases the disciples would know the person or remember their name for some reason. Also, some names were mentioned for effect. As in this case, the mentioning of the name tells us that this person was well-known in Jericho. Another possibility, which seems likely in this case as well, is that names are recorded when persons become a part of the fellowship of the disciples.

Heavenly Father, you have given us all that we need in your Word. But, we fail to see what is there. Lord, let us realize that your truth is meant to be our guide. Thank you for your Holy Spirit! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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