Mark 10:47

Mark 10:47
Bartimaeus said what he said in order to get Jesus’s attention. He wanted the crowd to understand who he was talking to, but more than that he wanted Jesus to understand that he did indeed believe that Jesus was who he said he was. Now, obviously Bartimaeus would have understood that Jesus already knew that, but his statement was a statement of faith.
This kind of statement of faith was rare among those who called out to Christ. Many of them illustrated that they didn’t really know who Jesus was, or didn’t fully understand him. Bartimaeus gives one of the clearest indications in all of the gospels that he did understand the significance of the person of Christ. The fact that Bartimaeus followed Christ after his healing is not surprising given the way he called out to Jesus.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the wonderful examples you give us in Scripture. Although many times we fail to take them to heart, it is wonderful to have them. You show us how we can live, and what faith we can have. May we always look to Christ to make us what we ought to be. Thank you for what faith in Christ can accomplish in our lives. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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