Mark 10:50

Mark 10:50
It is amazing how we can transform something that is an act of faith into something common and mundane. Upon seeing here that Bartimaeus cast aside his garment many have said that he proceeded to Christ naked. Though this is possible, it’s highly unlikely. The word here for garment can be used in several ways. In this case, it most likely refers to an outer robe usually worn when one is staying outside for long periods of time. Thus, given the context here, Bartimaeus was most likely wearing this because he was outside on the way side begging for many hours of the day.
Bartimaeus cast aside his garment in an act of faith. This garment symbolized his many hours of sitting on the side of the road begging. It symbolized his old life which was about to change forever. Bartimaeus cast aside his robe because he knew The Christ was going to heal him. He knew that Jesus, the Messiah, would bring him out of darkness physically and into the glorious light. And, he knew this because he already understood that Jesus is the light.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the great change that you make in our lives. You don’t just leave it like you found it, you change everything. You transform our souls, and make us something totally different. Thank you for the powerful transformation that we find in Jesus Christ. Thank you for bringing us from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Light! Thank you for shedding abroad your love in our hearts! You are worthy of all the praise and glory and honor! We love you so very much. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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