Mark 11:4

Mark 11:4
Wasn’t this a strange place to leave a colt tied? Not necessarily. Since there were people around, they may have tied it there temporarily and planned to get it later. It was, however, quite a convenient location for the disciples, being easy to find.
This is a miniature commentary on how God’s omniscience works. Jesus could have just had a colt appear in this location, without an owner. But, he uses a colt already there. Our modern minds would think pulling a colt out of thin air would be better. But, that’s just not the case.
The fact that Jesus uses this colt glorifies him in several ways. For one, it shows his wisdom. Had he made a colt appear out of nowhere the people would have thought he had a demon for sure. Using a colt already in existence reminds his followers that he is the Creator. It all belongs to him. Also, the fact that he knew about the colt was an indication of his omniscience. So, choosing to use existing circumstances is a way that God illustrates his knowledge of everything, and his mighty power.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your knowledge! It is so comforting to know that you know everything. Your goodness to us is amazing! Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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