Mark 11:10

Mark 11:10
Make sure to understand one thing here. The kingdom is not the kingdom of David because Jesus’s kingdom is the kingdom of David. The kingdom is Jesus’s kingdom, and David’s kingdom is tied to that. In other words, even though David’s kingdom came first, the kingdom belongs to Christ, and always has. But God, in His Infinite Wisdom has identified the throne of David, the kingdom of David, with the kingdom of Jesus Christ. This is because Jesus is physically in the line of David. Thus it is a physical and a spiritual Kingdom.
Also, we see the people saying ‘hosanna in the highest’. The reason for the phrase ‘in the highest’, is that it is a way to say the name of the Lord without saying the name of the Lord. This is standard Hebrew usage. It is due to the command not to take the name of the Lord in vain. As a result of this command, the Jews would avoid using the Lord’s name altogether.

Heavenly Father, we can never cease to thank you for Jesus Christ. It is so wonderful to have salvation in him. But we know that his kingdom is both physical and spiritual. Though we have salvation spiritually in him, we look forward to that day when he will reign physically on Earth. He is glorious and wonderful. We will work for his glory in this life and in the next. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pay and praise you, Amen.

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