Mark 11:33

Mark 11:23
   Now this concept has been torn every direction in which it may seem to go. We always want an easy fix to our problems. We look for assurances like this. We want to be able to know that we can make things happen. We want power over our circumstances.
  The best thing to do with this verse is to put it in context. Jesus goes on to describe the necessity of forgiveness in this process. So what is really being described here? This is not to tell the average man, ‘If you put your all into it, you can have anything.’ That is a false conception that is being sold left and right. What it does mean is that there is amazing power available to those who belong to the Lord. Limits disappear in the service of the Lord. Trust in him, which is what belief is all about, enables us to live in a completely different way from what would normally be expected.

Heavenly Father, to trust you implicitly is such a gain in our lives, but we tend to forget it. To depend completely upon you is the making of us. It gives us the freedom to once again live in fellowship with you. This fellowship brings eternal significance to our being, though we are finite. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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