Mark 11:25

Mark 11:25
   This is not preached on enough. Prayer is a precious privledge, which can easily be blocked by sin. Though we are not quick to admit it, failure to forgive is sin. Forgiveness should be a significant part of our core values. In fact, forgiveness is a major tool for the progress of the gospel.
   We see here that Jesus says they would stand praying. I do not think we have to take this to mean that standing os the only proper mode for prayer. We find people in Scripture doing other things, such as kneeling or lying down. What we should take from this is that, when possible, prayer should be a focused activity. Though we may often pray while doing something else, it is a necessary habit to just pray, and only pray, on a regular basis. This practice reminds us of the significance, power, and serious nature of prayer.

Heavenly Father, may we have a deep love for forgiveness. To be very forgiving is to be very much like you, for you have forgiven much. We must remind ourselves how great things you have done for us. Your forgiveness has made our lives possible. Without it, judgement would be sure and swift. Thank you for forgiveness in Christ! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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