Mark 13:6

Mark 13:6
   At first we may think that these words could not apply to our present day. We think there are not many claiming to be Christ. But, the truth is that there are, and have been, many pretenders. In order to qualify as a usurper of the name of Christ as our Lord explains here, one must simply claim to be something on their own. In other words, any who would claim to be more than their fellows are claiming to be someone in this world. Many have claimed to be something great in this way, but they have gone the way of all men, and are rotting in the grave.
   How many even today are worshipping men that claimed to be something. Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, Gandhi, the Baha’i founder, the Popes and potentates of the hierarchal religions, and then dictators of all stripes. All of these would claim a greatness that distinguishes them above the common mass of men. But, none can substantiate this claim, nor do they try.

Heavenly Father, thank you for your beautiful world! You have given us so much richly to enjoy. We are blessed to be a part of it all. I praise you for your mighty power. You are great! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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