
Mark 13:20
   If the Elect are those who the Lord has chosen, why would he need to shorten the time? Would they not go to heaven in any case? No, not necessarily. Again, we must remember this is prophecy. The Lord is speaking of a future time. So, it is for the sake of those who shall be the Elect that the days are shortened. At several points in the history of Israel the nation has neared extinction. But, it is spared from that for the sake of those who will be saved. During the time of the end the judgments will be such that if they continued for too long a time, all humanity would perish. But that will not happen for the sake of those who will belong to the Lord among them.

Heavenly Father, thank you for shortening your judgement for the sake of your beloved. You care for us and watch over us. Your power is great and we pray for those who will be recipients of your wrath. We pray for others, that they may escape that fate. I praise you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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