
Mark 14:18
   What a commentary on the evil of this sinful world! Here is the Lord himself, and yet someone would choose to betray him. There seems to be no limit to what sin can do to a person. To betray the very Lamb of God! What an evil! Yet, but for the grace of God, their might be many of us who would do the same. Indeed, we have done no less in that we all began as enemies to him.
   Notice how Jesus says this. He says eating with me, not eating with us. What is he saying? Is he just self-centered? Well, understand that the Lord is completely selfless. There is nothing proud or presumptuous about him. But he is jealous. What I am explaining here is the completely good self-understanding of Almighty God, not an easy concept to grasp. The Lord is entitled to his glory, and that is not selfish because it is totally appropriate. He cannot be guilty of pride becuase he is in actuality absolutely perfect. Pride is a mis-understanding of one’s actual entitlement. God has no such problem.
   So, Jesus was emphasizing that fact that even though they were all sitting there having Passover with Emmanuel, God in the flesh, one would still betray him.

Heavenly Father, it is such a blessing to think of all that you have done for us. You give us your Word, your Spirit, and your Son. How can we ever thank you enough? We will praise you all of our days! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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