
Mark 14:25
   Do not attempt to use this verse to prove that Jesus drank wine. Though he likely did drink what would have been referred to as wine in that time, the only thing confirmed here is that it was a beverage derived from grapes. I’m not trying to deny that Jesus did indeed drink wine. But, some people tend to bend over backwards to substantiate the fact. The alcoholic content of the ‘wine’ is debatable, though pasteurized grape juice had not been invented yet. There are other passages of Scripture much better suited to solving the problem of Christians drinking wine.
   Also, and more importantly, we have him referring to drinking it in the future. This is really special because Jesus is promising to fast from this fruit until that future day. He loves us very much, and enjoying this meal with us is very important to him. And, it should be to us.

Heavenly Father, thank you for making these things clear to us. It is so wonderful that you are a person and that we can know you. Some impersonal force would not be knowable, or worthy of worship. I love you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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