
Mark 14:34
   It is difficult for us to accept that Jesus became sad. But, it shouldn’t be. First, we must remember that Jesus is human. He is not human like we are human, but is uniquely human. In fact, as far as the original purpose of humanity goes, he’s more human than we are. He is also, of course, Divine. And so he is a very special human.
   Let us consider the Divine aspect. Can God experience sorrow? Yes, he can. Though some might consider this demeaning to the person of God, the opposite is true. What we must do is not try to define God’s feelings by our measure. Our emotions, and the very capability of having them, is but a shadow of the emotions of Almighty God. In other words, just as the so-called emotions of animals are not quite the same thing as the emotions of humans, our emotions are simple compared to the amazing and beautiful complexity found in the persons of the Godhead.

Heavenly Father, you are the greatest adventure we could ever imagine. To try to understand the intricacies of your great knowledge alone would fill lifetimes. How can we hope to see you rightly? Can we dare to say we know you? Ah, but we can do this and more because you have said we can, and because you have made it possible. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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