
Mark 14:41
    There are two possible ways to understand this verse. Modern translations make the portion about rest and sleep into a question. So which is it? Is he telling them to go ahead and rest, or asking them if they are still resting? Well, the fact is that if we leave it as him telling them to sleep, the statement basically has the same effect. In either case he expressing his exasperation with them. “Are you still sleeping? That’s enough! The hour has come.” In other words, your sleep is about to come to an end. Or, we can do the other. “Try to sleep and rest now! That’s over. The hour has come.” In either case, then, the Lord is expressing his exasperation with the disciples. He already knew there wasn’t time for them to get a night sleep if they were going to stay with him. He wasn’t going to sleep, that’s for sure. But, sadly, not only did they sleep when he tried to tell them it wasn’t a time for sleep, but they forsook him too.

Heavenly Father, may we always praise you! We want to bring you glory by our actions and attitudes. You are worthy of our best efforts. Even when we think it is time for something else, we will think of you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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