
Mark 14:44
   Though the disciples evidently ran from fear that they might be taken as well, Jesus was the target all along. In fact the focus of the Jewish leaders on him, to the exclusion of the others, reveals that they understood that he was the source of the entire ministry. They recognized and hated his claims to be the Messiah. They saw that he wasn’t just a travelling miracle worker. He was claiming to be the very Son of God. They couldn’t allow that. For the Messiah to come without them having realized it was extremely embarrassing. They thought the Messiah would have to be one that they would identify, and that would uphold their self-righteous traditions.

Heavenly Father, thank you for the blessing of our family. Thank you for friends. Thank you for all of the great things that you do for us. But, we also praise you for your patience. And your faithfulness. When things aren’t so easy, and when the sky isn’t so bright, you are still so very true. You are present no matter how things are going. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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