
Mark 14:49
   We really need to pay attention to what Jesus is doing here. He knows exactly what these people will do. He knows exactly why they had done what they had done. Yet, he still speaks to them and tries to get them to think about the evil of their ways. Why? If he knew it was useless, what is the point? Ah, but we don’t do good because evil exists, we do good in spite of evil. All evil will one day fade, and only the good will of Almighty God shall remain. Even then the truth shall be proclaimed. Even then God shall be praised. Even then, his merits will be compared to all others. Jesus speaks to these people words of encouragement, encouragement to turn their backs on the kingdom of darkness. And why? Because that is always the right thing to do. Even if we know they wont listen.

Heavenly Father, thank you for teaching us about the Truth. You know that it makes a difference. When you intersect with our lives, it is at that point that we truly begin to live. Make us yours, dear Father, by your blessed Son! We praise you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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