
Mark 14:55 “Now the chief priests and all the council sought testimony against Jesus to put Him to death, but found none.”

These men didn’t plan ahead for this aspect of Jesus’ trial. Or, at least, they hadn’t checked to be sure that their informants agreed with one another. This would be an embarrassing legal situation. However, since their was no defence, and only a prosecution, the issue was bothersome but not a showstopper. The only thing requiring them to find agreement among the witnesses was the law itself. It was to the law that they had to give at least token obedience. They felt they could stretch it and interpret it as they saw fit, but some points were inescapable. By the law they must have two witnesses who agreed with each other.

Heavenly Father, the same law that these men pretended to follow told them of your plan of redemption. Thank you for that plan, and for making it known to your people. You could have chosen to do all of this a different way. But you didn’t. Your wisdom is so apparent. Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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