
Mark 14:56 “For many bore false witness against Him, but their testimonies did not agree.”

We have all heard of ‘poetic justice’ haven’t we? Ah, the trial of Christ contains plenty of it. These religious leaders were corrupt enough that Jesus was still condemned. But, going by legality, the rules of the law of God, he would never have been condemned. Indeed, to have such a popular public figure as Christ and yet no two of his detractors could be found to agree, was this not amazing? It is a testimony to his integrity. His enemies could not even agree on their accusations, let alone substantiate them. What a contrast this is to the public figures we see flaunting themselves about in our day! Jesus was above reproach.

Heavenly Father, when we look closely at your Word, we realize what a gift you have given to us. Christ is all that we could ever ask for! He is precious beyond measure! He is worth our every praise! Thank you for him! What a Savior! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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