
Mark 14:63 “Then the high priest tore his clothes and said, “What further need do we have of witnesses?”

   Surely these men asked themselves at some point if the true Messiah would do differently from Jesus. Surely their hearts were pricked. And, we know that some did later believe. But many did not and the bulk of Judaism to this day rejects Jesus of Nazareth.
  The tearing of the clothes was not strange. It was a standard way of expressing strong feelings. The question the priest asks reveals the purpose for his question to Christ before this. He knew an affirmative answer from Jesus would be the ‘last straw’ so to speak. The trial was over from their end of things. Now they had to find a way to kill him as they desired.

Heavenly Father, blessing is your prerogative. How could we ever question your fairness? Yet we always ask for more. And why? Because your blessings are wonderful. We love your care for us. It’s just like having good parents, kind friends, or helpful neighbors. But it is worth so much more! We will live to serve you every moment of every day, for you are truly amazing. Our value increases as we submit to your will. And we will do this not just because you are good to us, but because we love you so much! Thank you! In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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