
Mark 15:7 “And there was one named Barabbas, who was chained with his fellow rebels; they had committed murder in the rebellion.”

   We assume that Barabbas’ fellow rebels were the thieves crucified on either side of Jesus. However, this is only conjecture, we cannot be for sure on that point. It is possible that Barabbas’ associates were released with him, though not likely.
   This episode highlights for us something that is important to be aware of at the time of Jesus. There were many who would have claimed to be the Messiah. There were many trying to lead insurrections against Rome. There were many who ended up being in criminal trouble because of their activity in this way. However, Jesus was different from them all. He was not identified as a revolutionary by the Romans. Indeed, had it not been for the Jewish leaders Jesus would not have been in a Roman court on this day.
   The story of Barabbas serves to highlight this fact. Early tradition suggests that Barabbas’ full name was Jesus Barabbas. In Aramaic Jesus Barabbas would mean savior, the son of the father. What a contrast! Jesus of Nazareth, called by Pilate ‘the King of the Jews’, is found innocent by this Roman Prefect. Barabbas, on the other hand, is a thief and murderer. Jesus was only there due to the jealousy of the Jews. Barabbas was already condemned and imprisoned by the Romans as a deadly revolutionary. And yet, who do the Jews want released? Barabbas. This shows us what kind of Messiah they were looking for. As many other nations, they were chafing under the Roman collar. They celebrated such ruffians. And, it ultimately cost the nation its freedom.

Heavenly Father, help us not to trust in our own wisdom. There is a way that seems right to us. But, we will trust your infinite wisdom. Only you know what you have planned for every specific. And, your Word has given us a guideline for the future. Thank you! We will trust you for our revolutions. In Christ will we live and move and have our being. He is peace and love, and he is justice and judgement. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise you, Amen.

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