
Mark 15:30 “save Yourself, and come down from the cross!”

   And what an irony is this! They jeeringly tell Him to come down, and yet it was their salvation He was securing. Now, many would reprimand me and say He only died for those whom He would save. But say it this way, He only saves those for whom He died. That He died for the sins of the whole world the Scripture plainly teaches, but there is a sin which shall not be forgiven. To transgress the witness of the Holy Spirit that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and to continue in it, is what brings eternal fire to a person’s feet.
  Some of these very men would be forgiven and will later attend the marriage supper with the rest of us the saints. Yet, many are even now burning in their torments. And why, because Jesus died not for them? No, because they persisted in their belief that Jesus is not Who He has been clearly proven to be. The lake of fire boils not in waiting for sinners. It sears in living heat for all of eternity they who would pass into their death without the blood of Christ. For, they count it an unclean thing, devoid of any saving power. This is the blasphemy spoken of in this same passage.

Heavenly Father, I can never claim a boast in anything I have ever seen or done in this flesh. Indeed, my actions do nothing but condemn me as a sinner who has fallen far short. But, thanks be to You Father that I can boast in knowing You. I know the saving grace of the blood of Christ. It saves and thus sanctifies my sinful soul. There is now no more condemnation. And, in Christ I am not just to be made perfect, but given rights as a son, an adopted heir with my Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. This is what gives me access to heaven now, and admittance to it later. Thank You Father! I praise You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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