
Mark 15:38 “Then the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.”

   This begins an age of great mercy and grace, the age we are now in. The Spirit of God is no longer limited to the Holy Place. He no longer comes and goes from the hearts of only a select few. Now He is available. He is loose. He inhabits the hearts of a vast multitude of every tongue and people, and nation. He energizes that great worldwide organism, the Church of the Living Christ.
   And, the power of the Spirit, His influence in this world, grows all the time as we reach the time of the end. The Church marches on and on. And it cannot be stopped. The enemy is powerless to prevent it. This is why Christ Jesus is so hated. This world’s program is on hold, waiting till the God from behind the veil gets through choosing out a people for His Name. But, the time of the end will come. And there will be another change. And God will work to close men’s minds rather than open them. And the lie of the evil man will be believed. Even then, God will have those who are His.

Heavenly Father, thank You for helping us understand the supernatural. This world goes on its way acting as if all has continued the same from the beginning. But, it has not. Change occurs in Your world. And they act as if You have changed, but You have not. You do not change as Your world does. Man thinks God must change to be better. God knows man must change, for man is wicked. Being changeless is not to be lifeless. It is to remain true to the Nature that is always there. You alone are wise, oh Lord! You have taken us in our own net, and we find ourselves in awe. Can we stop singing to You? I love You Lord! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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