
Mark 16:12 “After that, He appeared in another form to two of them as they walked and went into the country.”

   This is most likely the two on the Emmaus road. Imagine having an intimate meeting with the risen Son of God. He taught them about Himself as they walked along. I’ve wondered why He chose to meet these two. Maybe He wanted them to return to the other disciples, which they did. Or, maybe He was testing the others once again by sending them witnesses without appearing to all of them at once yet.

Heavenly Father, so often our unbelief causes us to miss the significance of the opportunities that You give us. We fail to avail ourselves to Your power and Your provision because we think we need to survive without them. But You are ready to use us in the ministry if we will trust Your leading and wisdom. Thank You for stretching out faith! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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