
Mark 16:19 “So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.”

   The right hand is a place of power and authority. Jesus has His physical, glorified body in heaven. This does not limit His Presence. Unlike us, Jesus is God. As a member of the Trinity, He has a Habitation and a Presence. As a physical person He also has a physical location. His physical location is in heaven, and not on the earth, at this time. But, His Habitation is here. His Habitation is in the saints in His church. His Presence, due to His Omnipresent nature in His divinity, permeates the entire universe. As He by Whom God has made all things, His Presence actually holds the cosmos together. The Word of His Power accomplishes this.
   The ascension, like the resurrection and crucifixion, is a crucial part of the gospel. Many will claim to believe in the efficacy of the atonement on the cross, and then deny the specific reality of Christ’s literal physical location at the right hand of the Father at this present time. This is confusing and misleading. We must accept Mark’s account at face value.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Presence and Habitation among us. But thank You also for the physical hope we have in the glorified Christ. We understand that His resurrection is the precursor to our own. We will have a physical location in a real, albeit perfect, body throughout eternity. And we are looking forward to it! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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