
Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing will be impossible.”

   What is the significance of this being in future tense? Why doesn’t Gabriel just say, “Nothing is impossible with God,” and leave it at that? Well the construction of this verse is difficult to explain in English. English doesn’t allow for a double negative. Greek does.
   So, here is my attempt to explain what Gabriel means here. He is saying that every matter that God says in His Word that He will do will be possible. Every matter that He tells us He will handle He will handle. What Gabriel is telling Mary is two-fold. He is telling Mary nothing is impossible for God. But he is also Telling her that God will do what He says He will do.
   It makes me think of the old Listerine commercial. God says what He does, and does what He says!

Heavenly Father, thank You for establishing Your Word. Never have I found Your Word to be incorrect. It is accurate to the highest degree. I can bank on it. I can build a life on it. I can trust my soul to the Truth I find in it. Thank You for Jesus! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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