
Luke 1:42 “Then she spoke out with a loud voice and said, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb!”

   This is a similar message to what Mary receive​d from Gabriel. Though Elizabeth had not heard that message, she said almost the same thing. Of course, this is because the Holy Spirit was in her. He can miraculously give His people the words to say.
   A warning is appropriate here. Watch out for two things. First, do not stretch Scripture to see a miracle where there isn’t one. And why is this? Because proper interpretation is better than more miracles. The Word contains plenty of miracles without us trying to conjure up more. Improper interpretation is dangerous and doesn’t help the message of the gospel at all.
  Secondly, don’t try to explain away miracles. For example, some might say Elizabeth just happened to say something similar to Gabriel. Or, they may say that Luke wrote similar words into both of their mouths, but they said different things. This is not good. Since the Word of God obviously includes many remarkable miracles, trying to explain away miracles obviously recorded in the text is not at all helpful. There have been those who have done this thinking they were helping make God’s Word sound more plausible, but instead they made it sound less credible. For those who believe one miracle, two miracles is no stretch. But for those who have trouble believing two, one will be no easier. The plain sense of Scripture must be left as is.

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Word! It is just right. There is in it all that we need for this life. We find so much authenticity in it. It is not just true, but it is practical, insightful, and applicable. May we proclaim it for our whole lives! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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