
Luke 3:10 “And the people asked him, saying, What shall we do then?”

   Why would John answer them with rules? Why would he give them more good works to do? Why would he seem to encourage the idea of salvation through personal goodness? Wouldn’t Jesus teach against works? No, Jesus helped us to understand that though we should indeed do good works, we need something far more to become righteous enough for heaven. The gospel of grace is not devoid of good works, it is devoid of self-righteousness. We must find our righteousness in Christ, and Him alone.

Heavenly Father, we will sing praise to You for all of forever! Your wisdom is magnificent! You understand our hearts, and You know that we need to be doing good at all times. Thank You for sending Your Son that our good might be something more than filthy in Your sight. Thank You for making us righteous! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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