
Luke 4:13 “Now when the devil had ended every temptation, he departed from Him until an opportune time.”

   The wording here is quite revealing. For one thing, the devil gives up because he was out of things to try. The devil has a somewhat limited repertoire of tricks. After he exhausts these, he is at a loss for a time. For a while He left Christ alone. But, true to his nature he was back at it when it was convenient for him.
   The devil is a deft creature. He will not put in any more effort than he has to. He thrives on the quick and easy methods he has perfected over the course of thousands of years. But, though shrewd, he is also bumptious, and will not give up his target in spite of being soundly beaten time and again. Endurance is the answer to his shtick.

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us victory in Christ! How could we live without Him? Defeat is a cage that the enemy wants everyone to live in. If they make it out of that one, he will put them into pride, and hold them there. Liberty, oh how precious it is! In Jesus we may be finally free. We will bring the honor and praise to You, oh LORD! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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