
Luke 4:34 “saying, “Let us alone! What have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Did You come to destroy us? I know who You are– the Holy One of God!”

   Why would a demonic malevolence want to declare the identity of the Lord Jesus? Wouldn’t that be working against the kingdom of darkness. Obviously, this spirit had no trouble with believing that Jesus was indeed exactly Who He claimed to be. Why then does the devil try to prevent belief in humans?
   This complicated question has a fairly simple answer. For one thing, understand that from what is revealed in Scripture we know that all of the minions of the kingdom of darkness believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Just like they believe in the existence of the universe, or the laws of nature, or any other immutable fact. They are not ill-informed or ignorant.
   But, take yourself back to the garden of Eden. There the most powerful of all malevolent spirits was tempting Eve. Did he question God’s existence? No. Of course not. Eve had just seen God not long before. That line would have died quickly. No, he questioned God’s transparency. He pretended to have knowledge that God had not divulged to Eve or Adam. It was a trick, and it worked.
   The only reason that the devil gets many to doubt the existence of God is because it is another of his tricks. And, for many, it works. So, he keeps using it. If it fails, he and his minions are all to ready to trick us some other way.
   In the case of Jesus, the devil chose to go the route of deceptive knowledge. He and his cohorts didn’t directly challenge Christ’s identity, but sought to trick Him into a trap. Often the devil will keep you busy quoting Bible verses to you while what he is really doing is side-tracking you from more important things. The demon’s knowledge of Christ did not in any way help Jesus’ ministry. Indeed, it only led to confusion, as it has ever since. And, the devil loves confusion.

Heavenly Father, thank You for giving us the true knowledge. We do indeed know the secrets of life. We don’t need the devil or any of his doctrines to find our way in this world. Thank You for Your mercies! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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