
Luke 5:24 “But that you may know that the Son of Man has power on earth to forgive sins “– He said to the man who was paralyzed, “I say to you, arise, take up your bed, and go to your house.”

   Some have said that Jesus never actually claimed to be God. Obviously, such persons have failed to read and understand a passage such as this one. Jesus made no quarrel with the scribes and Pharisees on the point that God alone may forgive sins. The point He makes here very clearly is that the same power and authority by which He heals, was the same by which He could forgive sin.
   One might ask, if they understood what He meant, why did they not immediately accuse Him of blasphemy? Well, there are several possible answers to that. First, many of them likely didn’t understand. We know their understanding was clouded, so this is quite possible. Second, some may have understood, but dismissed it without much consideration. Since the claim was not a bold-faced declaration in their minds, perhaps they saw no need for immediate action. The miracle itself gave credence to all that Jesus said. Finally, many may have indeed believed, and after this incident began to have more faith that Jesus was indeed Who He claimed to be. Not ALL scribes and Pharisees failed to believe, though MOST did.

Heavenly Father, may we be not faithless, but believing! You know all that we need and You guide us in our way. We would be encouragers to Your flock. Help us build up one another upon our most holy faith. We love to see the faith formed in the hearts of the formerly incredulous. Your power is amazing, and Your love transforms even the hardest of hearts. We praise You for Your works among us! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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