
Luke 5:29 “Then Levi gave Him a great feast in his own house. And there were a great number of tax collectors and others who sat down with them.”

   Jesus was apparently happy to attend this feast. Levi (Matthew) was worshiping the Lord by doing this. He also gave the Lord Jesus an opportunity to reach a large group of Levi’s fellow tax gatherers. Jesus of course knew about all of this before He selected Levi. Many were offended that Jesus attended this feast.
   Why would Jesus be a cause of offence? Well, there was indeed no offence in this action. Instead, Jesus was only accepting from Levi this honor, which was due Christ. In many places the scriptures reveal that Christian ministers are to have a good reputation in the lost world. Jesus modeled this for us in what He chose to do during His ministry.

Heavenly Father, give to us today a sense of Your glory. We need not spend so much time asking ourselves how to impress and please others, and more time asking how to impress and please You. Like Joseph of old, we should be successful in the unrighteous mammon, but only because we are faithful in the business which You have given us to do, doing it with all of our might. May it always be a praise and glory to You! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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