
Luke 5:38 “But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

   The new direction the church would now take would be poured into the lives of the disciples. They were the proper vehicles for the truth they would receive. Though we may try to understand this in its fullness, the fact is that the Lord is (and always has been) the best at selecting His means. He does not see as we see. And as a result it will be hard for us to grasp the need for this change. But, really it is not a change, so much as a continued freshness. You can see throughout Scripture that God is a person. He does not change is Who He is, or in His Divine Essence. But, we see changes in His working with us throughout history. He does not still reside on mount Sinai, or behind the curtain in the temple. He is, however, no different than He was then, though those manifestations are now long past.

Heavenly Father, may we see and know what a mercy it is that we understand You at all. To know God, in all Your glory, is to know everything. Any other knowledge will come along behind. It is the chief end of man to know You as You are, rather than as we might perceive You. Thank You for Your revelation of Yourself! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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