
Luke 6:8

   In this verse we find one of the great features of the Deity of Christ. Now, this is an issue. Many will argue against my interpretation here. But, Jesus did, and can, read people’s thoughts.
   I realize that the text doesn’t specifically say it that way. But please keep in mind the feeding of the five thousand isn’t explained in such detail either. We know the food was multiplied, but the specifics of when exactly it happened are not spelled out. Indeed, the miracle we have here of the withered hand being healed is the same way. We are told it became whole, but the exact details of how that looked as it was occurring are not spelled out in so many words.
   Jesus knew their thoughts. If this was just a case where one human knew what another human was thinking at the moment, it would have been worded differently. In fact, this isn’t the only time that Jesus is said to know what someone is thinking. Of course, many will say Jesus was just a really good guesser. But it is more than that. Jesus illustrated time and again that He had a more than human understanding of His contemporaries.
   I make a big deal of this point because it is very comforting. The fact of the matter is that Jesus alone knows your thoughts. Being God, Jesus knows every thought your have ever had, even the ones you have long since forgotten. But nobody else has this power. Many people think the devil can read their thoughts, but this simply isn’t the case. Nothing in Scripture indicates that the devil can read your thoughts. Even in the case of possession, something that can happen to unsaved persons, there is a part of them that the devil can never completely overtake. No, the devil is just a really good guesser. He has had thousands of years of practice. He has vast resources and piles of information. Thus he can virtually read thoughts.
   But only the Lord can actually do it. So, when you are in your secret place, having your devotions with the Lord Jesus, remember that He alone knows all that goes on in your heart.

   Heavenly Father, I long to fellowship with You fully and deeply. Only You truly know me. You have all of my words, my thoughts, my desires, my ‘me’, all figured out. You really understand, you really see. Your power over me is so complete. It is not an artificial and imposed oppression. It is an absolute and functional condition. You are in the primary position because You are primary. Thank You for being the One that I can turn to. You are the True Perfection that we conceive of, but cannot completely fathom. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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