
Luke 6:11 “But they were filled with rage, and discussed with one another what they might do to Jesus.”

   The Greek here is very revealing. The scribes and Pharisees were overcome with fury. They had that emotional anger that blinds you to everything. It isn’t rational, measured, controllable, or safe. It was a reckless, shameless sort of rage.
   And yet, they discussed. They conferred. They thought and planned. Bu they did nothing. Any why not? Two reasons. First, they knew they had to be careful. Jesus had quite a following. A botched attempt could upset the careful balance of power they had with he people, and the Romans. But, the second is the heavier factor. It was not yet Jesus’ time. Still relatively early in His ministry, it would be some time before the cross came along. Thus, Jesus did not allow their plans to progress too far at this time. He was in control of the entire situation, and foiled more than one attempt on His life during His ministry. Make no mistake, the cross would never have occurred if He had not allowed it.

   Heavenly Father, thank You for delivering Your children from blindness. This world is blind with rage, ignorant of the danger it flirts with all the time. I praise You for Your merciful kindness! You allow us to escape the evil of this present darkness. May we live to help others see the light! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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