
Luke 6:13 “And when it was day, He called His disciples to Himself; and from them He chose twelve whom He also named apostles:”

   Jesus selects a small group from among His disciples to serve in a special capacity. Though I think we need to help all members of the church understand that they should serve in some capacity, we need to remember that there will be a special group of representatives that are selected for special service. This does not condone a ministerial synod or hierarchical leadership structure in which a small oligarchy runs all of the churches of Christ. However, it does give us a precedent for church leadership. The church as an institution is not to be governed by mob rule. Duly appointed persons are to have the rights of leadership, primary service roles, and the privilege of representation of the church.
   Jesus called them Apostles. This was His idea, to call this special group the ‘sent ones’. Are we not all sent? Are we not all Apostles? Well yes, really we are. But, Jesus reserved this name for a certain limited group that represented His church to the world as it began. So, in that sense there will be no more Apostles, though really we all are as spiritual descendants of these men.

   Heavenly Father, I thank You for order in what You do. You are not haphazard with us. You give us a structure that we can understand and work with. Your understanding of our limitations is due to Your great mercy. I praise You for it! In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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