
Luke 6:21 “Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh.”

   To understand this verse correctly it must be taken in context. Just as Jesus was not simply talking about poor persons in the last verse, He is not here referring to all hungry or sad persons. Looking at the next few verses we instead see that He speaks to the fledgling community of His true followers. They would experience hunger and hard times while in His service. They would not necessarily have this world’s best. This message still rings true today. It still brings comfort to the hearts of Christ’s most dedicated followers. It helps His church to remember that this present world is fleeting. It is only a temporary reality that will soon fade away.
   Notice the word ‘now’ used with hunger and weep. This is the present condition, but not a permanent one. Those who hunger and suffer emotionally for the sake of righteousness will not always be in that state. The Lord has much in store for those who love Him. It is of most comfort not to think of reward, but to think of His care for His people. Though that includes reward, Christians serve out of love knowing He has good plans for the future.

   Heavenly Father, Your plans are perfect! You know exactly what to do at all times. You have everything in hand. Nothing slips by Your notice. I praise You for Your great wisdom and unfailing love. A song to Your praise is the business of my heart. Forever I’ll be in awe of You and Your Majesty. You alone merit our praise. None else compares to You at all. Today and every day may our hearts swell with adoration as we ponder Your faithfulness and mercy. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray and praise You, Amen.

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